Maximize Fitness Goals: Apple Watch Track Workout Guide

The Apple Watch is not just a stylish accessory; it is also a powerful tool for tracking and monitoring your fitness activities. With its Activity and Fitness apps, you can keep tabs on your exercise, set goals, and view comprehensive analytics. Whether you are a fitness enthusiast or simply looking to stay active, the Apple Watch Track workout has got you covered.

With the Apple Watch, you can easily track your workouts, monitor your progress, and take your fitness goals to the next level. From recording your steps to monitoring your heart rate during exercise, the Apple Watch provides valuable insights to help you stay motivated and reach new milestones.

Key Takeaways:

Getting Started with the Activity App on Apple Watch

If you’re ready to start tracking your activity with your Apple Watch, the Activity app is your go-to tool. Whether you’re configuring the app for the first time or making changes to your activity goals, the process is simple and user-friendly.

Configuring the Activity App

To configure the Activity app on your Apple Watch, follow these steps:

  1. When setting up your Apple Watch, you will have the option to configure the Activity app. If you choose not to, you can do so later when you open the app for the first time.
  2. Open the Activity app on your Apple Watch and use the Digital Crown to read the Move, Exercise, and Stand descriptions.
  3. Tap “Get Started” to begin tracking your activity.

That’s it! You’re now ready to start using the Activity app to monitor your daily movement and progress towards your fitness goals.

Checking Your Progress

Once you’ve started tracking your activity, you can check your progress at any time by opening the Activity app on your Apple Watch. The app displays three rings that represent your activity goals: the Move ring, the Exercise ring, and the Stand ring.

The Move ring shows how many active calories you’ve burned, the Exercise ring shows how many minutes of brisk activity you’ve done, and the Stand ring shows how many times you’ve stood and moved for at least one minute per hour.

To view your progress for each ring, simply turn the Digital Crown on your Apple Watch. You can also scroll to view additional data such as total steps, total distance, flights climbed, and activity history.

apple watch activity tracking
MoveDisplays active calories burned
ExerciseShows minutes of brisk activity
StandCounts times stood and moved for at least 1 minute per hour

With the Activity app on your Apple Watch, you can easily track your activity and stay motivated to achieve your fitness goals. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, the app is designed to help you maximize your workout routine and make progress towards a healthier lifestyle.

Monitoring your Progress with the Activity App on Apple Watch

The Activity app on your Apple Watch is a powerful tool for tracking your fitness progress and staying motivated to reach your goals. It utilizes activity rings to provide a visual representation of your daily movement and exercise. Let’s take a closer look at how you can monitor your progress with the Activity app on your Apple Watch.

Activity Rings on Apple Watch

The Activity app displays three rings on your Apple Watch to show your progress throughout the day. The red Move ring represents the number of active calories you’ve burned, the green Exercise ring tracks the minutes you’ve spent doing brisk activity, and the blue Stand ring indicates how many times you’ve stood up and moved for at least one minute per hour.

If you use a wheelchair, the blue Stand ring is replaced with the Roll ring, which tracks your movements in the wheelchair. The Activity app also allows you to view additional data such as total steps, total distance, flights climbed, and your activity history.

To check your progress, simply open the Activity app on your Apple Watch and turn the Digital Crown to see your current totals. You can scroll to view your progress for each ring and access your activity history. An overlapping ring indicates that you’ve exceeded your daily goal, giving you a visual reward for your accomplishments.

Checking Activity History and Viewing Weekly Summary

In addition to tracking your daily progress, the Activity app also allows you to review your activity history. By scrolling down on the app, you can view a detailed summary of your workouts, exercises, and meditations. This includes data such as duration, average heart rate, and total calories burned.

To get an overview of your weekly progress, you can tap on the weekly summary option in the app. This provides a comprehensive snapshot of your activity throughout the week, allowing you to assess your performance and make adjustments to your goals if necessary.

Overall, the Activity app on your Apple Watch is a valuable tool for monitoring your fitness progress. By keeping an eye on your activity rings, checking your activity history, and reviewing your weekly summaries, you can stay motivated and on track towards achieving your fitness goals.

Apple Watch Progress Tracking

Setting and Adjusting Goals with the Activity App on Apple Watch

If you find your activity goals too challenging or not challenging enough, you can easily change them using the Activity app on your Apple Watch. It’s important to set goals that align with your fitness level and aspirations, as they can help to keep you motivated and on track.

To adjust your goals, open the Activity app on your Apple Watch and tap on the “Goals” section. Here, you’ll see options to modify specific goals such as the exercise goal. Simply turn the Digital Crown to select the goal you wish to change and tap on it to make adjustments.

Whether you want to increase your daily step count, boost your active calorie burn, or improve your exercise minutes, the Activity app allows you to customize your goals according to your preferences and progress. By setting achievable yet challenging targets, you can push yourself to reach new milestones and make meaningful progress on your fitness journey.

It’s worth noting that every Monday, the Activity app on your Apple Watch will provide you with a notification summarizing your achievements from the previous week. This serves as a helpful reminder to review your goals and make any necessary adjustments based on your performance and progress. Take advantage of this feature to optimize your activity goals and continue challenging yourself to reach new heights.

Benefits of Setting and Adjusting Goals on Apple WatchHow to Change Activity Goals
1. Provides motivation and accountability1. Open the Activity app on your Apple Watch
2. Allows customization based on individual preferences2. Tap on the “Goals” section
3. Helps to track and measure progress3. Turn the Digital Crown to select the goal to change
4. Encourages pushing beyond comfort zones4. Tap on the selected goal to make adjustments
5. Facilitates continuous improvement5. Review and modify goals based on weekly performance

The Fitness app on iPhone provides valuable insights into your activity trends and allows you to earn awards based on your Apple Watch data. By tracking these trends and striving for awards, you can stay motivated and monitor your progress towards your fitness goals.

With the Trends section in the Fitness app, you can view daily trend data for various metrics such as active calories, exercise minutes, stand hours, walking distance, and cardio fitness. These trends compare your activity over the last 90 days to the previous 365 days, giving you a comprehensive overview of your long-term progress. A helpful trend arrow indicates whether you’re maintaining or improving your fitness levels or if your 90-day average is starting to decline.

Not only can you track your progress, but you can also earn awards with your Apple Watch. These awards celebrate personal records, streaks, and major milestones, providing a sense of accomplishment and further motivating you on your fitness journey. You can conveniently view all your awards in the Activity app on your Apple Watch or in the Fitness app on your iPhone.

By utilizing the Fitness app’s trend tracking and awards system, you can gain valuable insights into your fitness progress and stay motivated to achieve your goals. Keep striving for new achievements and let your Apple Watch support you every step of the way.

apple watch fitness trends

Table: Sample Awards

Move Goal 7-Day StreakAwarded for completing your Move goal for 7 consecutive days.
Perfect WeekAwarded for meeting all activity goals (Move, Exercise, and Stand) for an entire week.
Half-Marathon RecordAwarded for achieving your personal record in a half-marathon distance.
100,000 Lifetime StepsAwarded for reaching a lifetime step count of 100,000.

Reviewing Workouts and Meditations with the Activity App on Apple Watch

The Activity app on your Apple Watch provides a convenient way to review your workout and meditation history. Whether you want to track your fitness progress or reflect on your mindfulness practice, the app offers valuable insights and data. Let’s take a closer look at how you can use the Activity app to review your workouts, track your meditations, and even monitor your dive history (if you have the Depth app).

Workout History

When you open the Activity app on your Apple Watch, you’ll find a comprehensive record of the workouts you’ve completed. The app displays essential details such as duration, average heart rate, total calories burned, and more. This information can help you track your performance and monitor your progress over time. Whether it’s a cardio session, strength training, or a yoga class, the Activity app keeps a detailed log of your workouts, allowing you to review and analyze your activity data.

Meditation Tracking

In addition to workout history, the Activity app also tracks your meditation sessions. If you practice mindfulness using your Apple Watch, the app provides insights into your meditation duration and other relevant metrics. With this feature, you can monitor your consistency and establish a regular meditation routine. The Activity app serves as a helpful tool for those seeking to cultivate a mindful lifestyle.

Dive History

For those who enjoy diving, the Activity app can even track your dive history if you have the Depth app installed. This feature allows you to review essential dive data, including dive duration, maximum depth reached, and other relevant information. Whether you’re a recreational diver or an experienced professional, the Dive History function adds an extra layer of convenience and insights to your underwater adventures.

The Activity app on your Apple Watch is a valuable tool for reviewing your workouts, tracking your meditations, and monitoring your dive history (if applicable). With its detailed records and insightful metrics, the app allows you to assess your progress and stay motivated on your fitness journey. Whether you’re striving to achieve your fitness goals or simply want to keep a tab on your activities, the Activity app is your go-to companion for all things fitness and wellness.


The Apple Watch is a powerful tool for fitness tracking, allowing you to maximize your fitness goals and stay motivated on your journey to better health. By utilizing the Activity and Fitness apps, you can monitor your activity levels, set personalized goals, and track your progress over time.

With the Activity app, you can easily check your movement throughout the day, including how often you stand, how much you move, and how many minutes of exercise you do. The rings on the app provide a clear summary of your progress, helping you stay accountable and motivated to meet your daily goals.

The Fitness app on your iPhone offers even more insights, allowing you to view trends and awards based on your activity. You can track metrics such as active calories, exercise minutes, stand hours, and more. The app compares your activity over the last 90 days to the previous 365, giving you valuable data on how you’re maintaining or improving your fitness levels.

Additionally, the Apple Watch allows you to review your workout and meditation history, giving you a comprehensive view of your fitness journey. Whether you’re using the Workout app, Apple Fitness+, or compatible third-party apps, you can easily access data such as duration, heart rate, and calories burned. This information helps you make informed decisions about your fitness routine and celebrate your accomplishments.

With its advanced fitness tracking capabilities, the Apple Watch is your ideal companion for achieving your fitness goals. By leveraging the Activity and Fitness apps, you can stay on track, make adjustments as needed, and push yourself to reach new milestones. Start maximizing your fitness goals today with the Apple Watch.

FAQ Apple Watch Track Workout

How do I configure the Activity app on my Apple Watch?

When setting up your Apple Watch, you have the option to configure the Activity app. If you choose not to, you can do so later when you open the Activity app for the first time. To get started, open the Activity app on your Apple Watch and use the Digital Crown to read the Move, Exercise, and Stand descriptions. Tap “Get Started” to begin tracking your activity.

How can I check my progress with the Activity app on my Apple Watch?

You can check your progress at any time by opening the Activity app on your Apple Watch. The app displays three rings to show your progress: the red Move ring shows active calories burned, the green Exercise ring shows minutes of brisk activity, and the blue Stand ring shows how many times you’ve stood and moved for at least one minute per hour. If you use a wheelchair, the blue Stand ring becomes the Roll ring. You can turn the Digital Crown to see your current totals and scroll to view your progress for each ring, total steps, total distance, flights climbed, and activity history. An overlapping ring indicates that you’ve exceeded your goal. You can also tap for a weekly summary of your progress.

Can I change my activity goals on the Apple Watch?

Yes, if you find your activity goals too challenging or not challenging enough, you can change them. In the Activity app on your Apple Watch, tap on the goals section and adjust them according to your preference. You can change specific goals, such as the exercise goal, by turning the Digital Crown to select the goal and tapping on it. Every Monday, you will receive a notification about the previous week’s achievements, and you can adjust your goals for the next week based on your performance.

How can I track trends and earn awards with the Fitness app on my iPhone?

The Fitness app on iPhone allows you to view trends and awards based on your activity. In the Trends section, you can see daily trend data for active calories, exercise minutes, stand hours, walking distance, cardio fitness, and more. The trends compare your last 90 days of activity to the last 365. If the trend arrow for a particular metric points up, it means you’re maintaining or improving your fitness levels. If it points down, your 90-day average for that metric has started to decline. Additionally, you can earn awards for personal records, streaks, and major milestones using your Apple Watch. You can view all your awards in the Activity app on your Apple Watch or in the Fitness app on iPhone.

How can I review my workout and meditation history on the Apple Watch?

The Activity app on your Apple Watch allows you to review your workout and meditation history. You can see data for workouts and meditations you’ve completed, such as the duration, average heart rate, total calories burned, and more. This includes workouts and meditations from Apple Fitness+, the Workout app, and compatible third-party apps. Additionally, if you have the Depth app, you can also track dive history. To review a workout, meditation, or dive, simply open the Activity app on your Apple Watch and scroll to the bottom of the screen.

Watch Workout

By leveraging the capabilities of your smartwatch, you can take your workouts to the next level, making them more engaging, effective, and enjoyable.

By considering Watch Workout, you can make a more informed decision when choosing a smartwatch and fitness app that best suits your needs.